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Prisma #ORM #async


What Is the Process?

  1. Prisma Schema prisma/schema.prisma (opens in a new tab)
    • Data model 🔗 (opens in a new tab)
    • clear schema language ⇒ express data relationship in human-readable way
    • Or schema can also be automatically inferred from any existing DB
  2. Schema ⇒ type definition
    1. allowing perform typesafe CRUD operations with own DB model
  3. Migrations as ts structure evolves
  4. Visualize data
    1. Prisma studio ⇒ npx prisma studio ⇒ view and manage all tables and rows in browser


Why Prima?

Why Shouldn't?


How to Setup the Project?

How to use Prisma?

  1. Define/create schema prisma/schema.prisma (opens in a new tab)

  2. /update database structure can be handled automatically

    • npx prisma migrate
      • or npx prisma migrate dev --name init ## give the name of init
      • npm prisma migrate dev --name test2
    • migration file will interact with database and make all changes
      • /prisma/migrations/init/migration.sql
  3. Install client

    1. npx i @prisma/client
  4. interact with the DB on the server

    • npx prisma generate ## go through all the steps generate based on whatever provider we want
  5. import Prisma in Clien


  6. setup package.json scripts

    • “devStart”: “nodemon script.ts” ## npm run devStart

    // npm run devStart ## to run the script.ts
    // run `npx prisma generate`
    import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
    const prisma = new PrismaClient(); // manage different db for you !! only use one instance of it
    // const prisma = new PrismaClient({log:["query"]}); // log the query in the terminal
    // everything in prisma is async
    async function main() {
      // ... you will write your Prisma Client queries here
      // delete all users in the database
      await prisma.user.deleteMany(); // How to delete everything form the database
        const user = await prisma.user.createMany({
            where: {
                AND: [
                    { email: { startsWith: "alice"} },
                    { email: { endsWith: "@test.com"} },
                OR: [],
                NOR: [],
                // queries
                name: { equals: "Alice" },
                name: { not: "Alice" },
                name: { in: ["Alice", "Kyle"] },
                name: { notIn: ["Alice", "Kyle"] },
                age: { lt: 20 }, // age less than 20    
                age: { lte: 20 }, // age less than or equal 20    
                age: { gt: 20 }, // age greater than 20    
                age: { gte: 20 }, // age greater than  or equal 20    
                email: { contains: "@test.com"}, 
                email: { endsWith: "@test.com"}, 
                email: { startsWith: "alice"}, 
            distinct: ["name", "age"], // return one single Alice
            orderBy: {
                age: "asc", // "desc"
            take: 2, // pagination
            skip: 1, // skip the first user Alice, get the next two
            - cannot use select function
        const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ 
            where: {
                email: "alice@test.com",
                age_name: { // this is generated by @@unique([age, name])
                    age: 24,
                    name: "Alice"
            - find by unique keys
            - only return one
            - can use select and include function 
    		// Find the first matching 
        const user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ 
            where: {
                name: "Alice"
            - only return one
        const user = await prisma.user.findMany()   // get all users
        const user = await prisma.user.findMany({
            where: {
                writtenPosts: {
                    every: {
                        title: { startsWith: "Test" },
                        createdAt: new Date(),
                    none: {},
                    some: {},
        const user = await prisma.post.findMany({
                    is: {
                        age: 24,
                    isNot: {}
      const user = await prisma.user.create({
        data: {
          name: "Alice",
          email: "alice@test.com",
          age: 24,
          userPreference: {
            // create function allows create a brand new user preference
            create: {
              emailUpdates: true,
        // include the userPreference model
        include: {
          userPreference: true,
        // only return the name property
        select: {
          name: true,
          userPreference: { select: { id: true } }, // only the id of the userPreference
      .catch((e) => {
        console.error(e.message); // catching any errors and printing them out
      .finally(async () => {
        await prisma.$disconnect(); // finally disconnected

    async function main() {
      // update first user
      // - can use include and select function
      const user = await prisma.user.update({
        where: {
          email: "alice@test.com", // take this
        data: {
          email: "alice@test2.com", // change to this
      // updateMany: some as update but update all users
      const users = await prisma.user.updateMany({
        where: {
          name: "Alice", // take this
        data: {
          name: "New Alice", // change all matching to this
    const user = await prisma.user.update({
      where: {
        email: "alice@test.com", // take this
      data: {
        email: "alice@test2.com", // change to this
        age: {
          increment: 1, // increment the int
          decrement: 1,
          multiply: 1,
          divide: 1,
        // update user and give a new user preference with this information
        userPreference: {
          create: {
            emailUpdates: true,
          connect: {
            id: "askdjflkasjdlfkjalskdjf",

    async function main() {
      // simiar to find
      // must be unique field
      const user = await prisma.user.delete({
        where: {
          email: "alice@test.com",
      // deleteMany
      const users = await prisma.user.deleteMany({
        where: {
          age: { gt: 20 },
      // delete all user in the database
      const users = await prisma.user.deleteMany();

How to format Prisma file?

  • npx prisma format
  • Plugin (can set in setting.json [prisma])